
Studies in Technocracy

Robert McNamara -- US Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War;

Albert Speer -- Armaments Minister under Hitler during the Second World War;

These two men were, on the one hand, embodiments of the Master Technocrat; on the other hand, architects of futility and atrocity.

This website is dedicated to the study of the contradictions and paradoxes that underly the modern Technocracy and its chief personality, the Technocrat.

Much, though not all, of the material here, conducts such an examination by looking at its two leading archetypes, "Mac" and "Speer" (hence the name "Macspeer"). Some of the materials are analytical, academic, historical. Others are artistic, creative and fanciful. All of it is dedicated to celebrating what should be celebrated, while questioning what should be questioned. Insight and inspiration and maybe positive searching action are encouraged.

What is not sought, per se, are solutions and answers. Technocrats create problems and questions so they can seek such things -- their primary justification for existing. But maybe we do without the problems/questions entirely?

"I don't know": the most liberating phrase in the English -- or any -- language.

Cameron Gordon, Macspeer 'convenor' --